速報APP / 教育 / Diploma in Computer Science

Diploma in Computer Science





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:34.B Sneh nagar Dhule 424001

Diploma in Computer Science(圖1)-速報App

In this app you get complete package for Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology. All Programs are well written and in a sequence manner as per the syllabus.


1) Lot of challenging programs available.

2) Coding area available.

3) You can Discuss inside the app.

Diploma in Computer Science(圖2)-速報App

Programming Part:

1) C Language

2) C++

3) Java

4) Advance Java

Diploma in Computer Science(圖3)-速報App


6) Assembly Language

7) Python

8) Data Structure Using C

9) Computer Graphics Using C

Diploma in Computer Science(圖4)-速報App

10) Data Base Management System

11) JavaScript

12) PHP

13) JSP (Java Server Page)

14) Mobile Application Development

Diploma in Computer Science(圖5)-速報App

Theory Part:

1) Software Engineering

2) Data Communication and Network

3) Microprocessors

4) Environmental and Sustainable Energy Technologies

Diploma in Computer Science(圖6)-速報App

5) Operating Systems

6) Software Testing

7) Entrepreneurship Development

8) Technical Writing

Diploma in Information Technology

Diploma in Computer Science(圖7)-速報App

MSBTE Computer Study Guide

Diploma in Computer Science(圖8)-速報App